Monthly Archives: September 2017

Monday September 20, 1937

The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancasterdiary 2

No Post Today:

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

Sir Anthony-Eden number 10 Official.jpg
The Earl of Avon

Anthony Eden spoke at the League of Nations Assembly, telling Italy and Japan they were ruining themselves financially by their policies of territorial conquest and informing Germany that the way to obtain raw materials was to buy them instead of demanding colonies.

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Spain failed to get the two-thirds majority it needed to get re-elected onto the League of Nations council. The Latin American countries no longer supported the Spanish Republic because they had shifted their support to Franco.

Mitchell Hepburn is on the Cover of this week’s Time Magazine

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Image result for september 20, 1937

Henry A. Wallace, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, using a Dictaphone

Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 20, 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 20, 1937

Sunday September 19, 1937

The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancasterdiary 2

Polly and Rosamond came up

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

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The Folsom escape attempt occurred. Two of the seven prisoners trying to escape were shot dead; the other five were sentenced to death and eventually executed.

Image result for september 19, 1937 Tigers’ first baseman Hank Greenberg becomes the first player to hit a homer into the center field bleachers at Yankee Stadium.

HC Ambrì-Piotta logo.svgHockey Club Ambrì-Piotta was founded in Switzerland.



Military Airshow in Aspern Vienna

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U.S. Marines Arriving in Shanghai Aboard USS Chaumont

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Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 19, 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 19, 1937

Saturday September 18, 1937

diary 2The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster

Went to Martens shopped for hats.

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:



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Juan Negrín

Spanish Prime Minister Juan Negrín spoke before the Assembly at the League of Nations, calling the Spanish Civil War “a war of invasion” and denouncing Hitler and Mussolini as “international highwaymen.” Negrín called on the League to recognize German and Italian aggression, give the Republic the right to freely procure war materiel and have all foreign combatants withdrawn from Spanish territory.

Herb Polski.svgThe Alliance of Democrats formed in Poland.

A new New Yorker and Saturday Evening Post

Image result for september 18, 1937Image result for september 18, 1937


Image result for september 18, 1937“Sailboat races get under way on Potomac. Washington, D.C.,

Image result for september 18, 1937Douglas B-18 Bolo, March Field Airshow

Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 18, 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 18, 1937

Friday September 17, 1937

diary 2The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster

No Post today

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

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The Battle of Santander ended in a decisive Nationalist victory.

The Nyon agreement was expanded to include aircraft as legitimate targets for reprisal attacks by patrol ships.

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The Abraham Lincoln head on the Mount Rushmore sculpture was dedicated.

FDR speaks  about Constitution Day

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Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 17, 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 17, 1937

Thursday September 16, 1937

diary 2The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster

No Post today

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

Hugo Black

The NAACP sent a telegram to President Roosevelt urging that he call upon Hugo Black to resign from the Supreme Court or “take other appropriate action in the absence of repudiation and disproof of the charges by Senator Black to relieve himself and the nation of the embarrassment of having upon the highest court a man pledged to uphold principles inimical to true Americanism.”




Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 16, 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 16, 1937

Image result for sep 16, 1937President Lincoln’s head emerges from the rocks at Mt. Rushmore.

Wednesday September 15, 1937

diary 2The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster

No Post today

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

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Hitler’s half-brother Alois opened a café in Berlin

Image result for sept 15, 1937The first motorcycle license issued to a woman in Washington D.C





San Francisco extends their streetcar routes

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Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 15, 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 15, 1937

Tuesday September 14, 1937

diary 2The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster

No Post today

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

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The Nyon Conference ended with an agreement to establish a system of patrol zones, with the British and French assuming the most responsibility.

Image result for september 14, 1937Detroit Police receive 60 new motorcycles.






Santa Monica Boulevard in Los Angeles.

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Chicago Daily Tribune September 14, 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune September 14, 1937

Monday September 13, 1937

diary 2The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster

No Post today

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:



Chinese troops marching in Xinkou.jpg

The Battle of Xinkou began.

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Heinrich Himmler

Heinrich Himmler decreed that Jews could be released from “protective custody” in concentration camps if they provided evidence that they were emigrating.[

Japanese forces captured Datong.

The Chinese government made a formal appeal to the League of Nations to take action against Japan.

In his final address on the closing day of the Nuremberg Rally, Hitler declared that the failure of Franco’s Nationalists would “upset the balance of power in Europe, which is of vital importance to Germany.”



German Tennis player Gottfried von Gramm   is on the cover of this week’s Time Magazine

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Kitty Keene aired for the first time on NBC Red Network.

Group of American Legion Secretaries Typing. New York City

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Sunday September 12, 1937

diary 2The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster

No Post today:Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

Excerpts from a letter written by the imprisoned German pastor Martin Niemöller were read to his congregation. “I often think of others who must wander through the same dark valley as myself”, one passage read. “But it is a comfort to us all to know that you are praying for us. I am certain the almighty God will triumph.”

Martin Niemöller (1952).jpg

Caracciola sits on what appears to be the back of a vehicle. A young woman sits in front of him.Rudolf Caracciola of Germany won the Italian Grand Prix.



A bomb explodes at the French Employers Confederation’s building, in Paris France


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The Royal Family at Buckingham Palace

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Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 12, 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 12, 1937

Saturday September 11, 1937

diary 2The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster

No Post today:Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

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President Roosevelt gave a press conference in New York vowing he would do everything possible “to keep us out of war.”

A new Saturday Evening Post and New Yorker Magazine

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Chicago Daily Tribune September 11, 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune September 11, 1937


Bette Cooper of New Jersey won the 11th Miss America beauty pageant.Image result for Bette Cooper