Tag Archives: NAACP

Thursday September 16, 1937

diary 2The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster

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Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

Hugo Black

The NAACP sent a telegram to President Roosevelt urging that he call upon Hugo Black to resign from the Supreme Court or “take other appropriate action in the absence of repudiation and disproof of the charges by Senator Black to relieve himself and the nation of the embarrassment of having upon the highest court a man pledged to uphold principles inimical to true Americanism.”




Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 16, 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune Sept 16, 1937

Image result for sep 16, 1937President Lincoln’s head emerges from the rocks at Mt. Rushmore.

Tuesday December 8, 1936

diary 2The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

No post today.

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today


The NAACP wins the landmark case, Gibbs v. Board of Education, against the state of Maryland, ensuring that white and Black teachers are paid equally.


The German battleship Gneisenau was launched.Image result for december 8, 1936

Image result for Hans Fritzsche radio abdication
Hans Fritzsche

German media acknowledged the British abdication crisis for the first time when Hans Fritzsche gave an address over the radio explaining that the German press had taken a stance “nobler” than that of foreign newspapers by not reporting on “the private affairs of those concerned.”

Image result for carl von ossietzky nobel prize
Carl von Ossietzky

Nazi Germany imposed a travel ban on Carl von Ossietzky so he could not go to Oslo to accept his Nobel Peace Prize.

Image result for nicaraguan elections 1936 liberal nationalist party

General elections were held in Nicaragua. An alliance of the Liberal Nationalist Party and Conservative Nationalist Party claimed 99.83% of the vote.

Chicago Daily Tribune December 8, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune December 8, 1936