(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. )
No Post today:
Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago:
An earthquake at Quetta, a station in British Colonia India, known as “Little London” is destroyed by an earthquake. 30, 000 people died and the city was never able to recover. Below is rare footage of the quake. Pakistan is recorded
(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. )
Broke a spring somewhere near Finlay and crawled into Van Horn about 5:30 a.m. instead of two as planned. Dit visited hard and fast until the noon train carried her to El Paso. She went on to Cruces and she and Herold left for California on Thursday morning. Not sleeping Tuesday night has ruined at least one day for all of us. Ty-Ty feels pretty well.
Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:
The last concrete is poured at the Hoover Dam site, four months before President Franklin Roosevelt dedicates one of the largest hydroelectric projects in U.S. history.
The rain continues to fall in Texas and interrupts train service.
(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more)0-years-ago. Click here to read more)
Fooled around in morning – She practiced late and read over the will she made up. Class day exercises in the afternoon. Went to town afterwards with Sally Heitman, Zella, Bob and Janalle Hardgrove are nice. His mother, dad and brother Jack were there too. A full house! Dit, Harold and I slept across the street. Called home that night to tell Ty-Ty not to come and Dit would go home with us after the graduation.
Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:
Clovis Evening News Journal Clovis, NM May 27, 1935
Today is known as “Black Monday” in New Deal history after the Supreme Court strikes down a basic part of Roosevelt’s program of recovery and reform.
(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more)0-years-ago. Click here to read more)
Slept until almost noon. Left for Cruces at 3:30. Got in Cruces 5. Dit and Harold were living among barrels of packed dishes etc. They surely have worlds of things.
Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:
(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more)0-years-ago. Click here to read more)
Betty Johnson, Wyatt Johnson and I left Roswell about six a.m. Stopped for awhile in Ruidoso. Looked at the string of cots and Betty decided on one for a lease. it surely is pretty up there. Ate lunch by the side of the road just N. of Orogrande or Newman in the broiling sun, Got to El Paso about two o’clock. Rested until four. Went to town to buy a blue felt had and small bag. My last little bag broke on the way to El Paso. Stopped in El Paso with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kanen. 909 E River St. Mrs. Kanen is Mr. Johnson’s sister. They are lovely. He is an accountant and worked for many years in Chihuahua! That night Aubrey Johnson, Betty, Lou Simmons and I went to Waterfill Gardens. Fairly good time. Lou is not a very good dancer. Aubrey wasn’t well so we came home about midnight.
Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:
Babe Ruth smashes three homers for Boston in his last hurrah. In Ann Arbor, Michigan Jessie Owens broke three track and field world records and tied for a fourth. Another kidnapping.
The Clovis Evening News Journal Clovis, NM May 25, 1935
(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more)
No Post
Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:
The Cincinnati Reds beat the Philadelphia Phillies 2-1 on this night in 1935 in Major League Baseball’s first-ever night game, played courtesy of recently installed lights at Crosley Field in Cincinnati.
A host of new laws go into effect soon and Navy pilots head back to Pearl Harbor after the tragic loss of 6 men.
Clovis Evening News journal Clovis,NM May 24, 1935
(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more)
Letter from Carsey saying he had to have an appendix operation before going in with Humble Oil Co!!! Am I having the jitters! He wrote me at Midland, Texas, but told me to write to 824 W. 12th St in Dallas. Hope he can go to Mexico as planned. Alyce Claire and I ate supper with Pete and Velma. My home room gave me a fruit shower today so we had fruit salad. I was certainly surprised by the shower. Wayne, George Sisneros, Daniel Franco, Pete and Albert were the ringleaders, I think! Saw in the paper where the Univ. of Mexico was closed by the gov’t!
Monday May 20, 1935
My Dear Elizabeth;
I very much regret that I cannot be there as planned. I have experienced a pie de of bad-fortune. I definitely planned to work for Ze ole Humble Oil & Refinery Co. & had even secured assurance of employment before leaving Van Horn. I was assigned work & everything. But when I went to the doctor for physical examination, he said I would have to have an appendicitis operation before I would be acceptable. So that upsets my plans. Now I am on the way home. I am to see you before leaving from anywhere. It looks as if I will go to Mexico City now. How about you?
Borrow about $150 from anybody that will let you have it and I’ll meet you at the Regis some Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock sharp.
Write me your prospects pronto to
Arnold Carsey
824 W. 12th St.
Dallas, Texas
P.S. If it is possible for me to come I will wire you – Tell me when you are to leave.
Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today: