Daily Archives: April 23, 2016

Thursday April 23, 1936

diary 2

The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

Sent off  review for Education before Verdun by Arnold Zweig.  Enjoyed the book. Bought tickets for Charlotte, Lorena and me for “Midsummer Night’s Dream” and finished a little blanket for Dit.  Bid day!  Plant to go to El Paso Sat. for Symphony and maybe Dit will have moved there by then.  Mary Jo and Jonathon also plan to be there. Heard a rumor that Hinkle might be our next Supt! Ojale!


Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

Two miners are freed at 12:44 a.m. after being trapped by a cave-in for over 10 days in the Moose River Gold Mines. A third trapped man had died on the 7th day  of rescue efforts. The event was broadcast by J. Frank Willis of the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC) to over 650 radio stations throughout North America, and was picked up by the BBC and broadcast to Europe. It was the first live 24-hour radio coverage of a breaking news story in Canada.

Ice Jams continue to cause flooding problems in Maine, where dynamite is used to break them up.  The rivers dropped several feet at once.  In Idaho, the Boise River reaches flood stage

Piscataquis Valley Garage, Guilford, April 23, 1936
Guiliford, Maine


Boise River






Roy Orbison (1965).jpg

Roy Orbison, singer songwriter, is born in Vernon, Texas

Chicago Daily Tribune April 23, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune April 23, 1936


Wednesday April 22, 1936

diary 2

The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

No post today

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

An estimated 400,000 students demonstrated nationwide in the second year of a student movement protesting global militarization. Here about 500 students walked out of class at Lincoln High School in Tacoma, Washington



Singer, and future Beach Boy,  Glen Campbell was born in Arkansas 


Germany announced that Eckener Avenue in Berlin, named after the Zeppelin commander Hugo Eckener, would be renamed Adolf Hitler Street.

Porky Pig takes on an angry bird in Porky’s Poultry Plant

Chicago Daily Tribune April 22, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune April 22, 1936