Tag Archives: China

Monday July 19, 1937

The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary, diary

diary 2by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

Telegram awaited me when I came home at noon. It says “Legamos a Texas sin dificueltad la una te escrba manana” Arnold” Am I ever relieved!

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

The Degenerate Art Exhibition opened in Munich.

Image result for july 19, 1937

Harry Bridges is on the cover of this week’s Time Magazine

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Francisco Franco

Generalissimo Francisco Franco indicated that the Spanish monarchy may be restored in the event of a Nationalist victory

Chicago Daily Tribune July 19. 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune July 19. 1937

Sunday January 3, 1937

The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, diary 2by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

Went to the Methodist Church with Carsey and Roy Marcone. Poor sermon – rode around after dinner until time to go. Visited the office where Carsey works in the Inventory Dept.  Left for Roswell about Camille 2.jpg 3:30. Stopped  at Caprock or somewhere for a sandwich and more coffee.  Got to R about 8. All four of us. Pete, Dixie Smith, Carsey and I saw “Camillle” fair only – good spots.  They left to go back about eleven! Surely hope they got home in time to go to bed in time to get up for work!  Carsey was wonderful to me the whole week-end paid me lots of complements – He used to be so silent and absentminded. He still is absent-minded to a degree but I never laughed anymore or had more fun on any week – and party before!  Hope he can come over real soon!

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

The Spanish Republican government called Germany’s recent naval actions “acts of aggression and war.” Germany sent a note offering to release the Aragon and cease attacks on Spanish shipping as soon as restitution was made for the cargo of the Palos not being fully returned. This proposal was rejected.

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During the Second Battle of the Corunna Road, the Nationalists captured Villafranca del Castillo west of Madrid.

Image result for january 3, 1937 china fire squad

In China, 128 drug addicts were taken to a village near Tianjin and executed by firing squad.

Chicago Daily Tribune January 3, 1937
Chicago Sunday Tribune January 3, 1937

Saturday January 18, 1936

diary 2The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary,  written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago.  Click here to read more)

Slept until 1:30 P.M! Some record – Graded a few papers and was thinking of going to supper when Foster called and wanted a date.  We double-dated with Ellis and Ellen (?) Anderson who is bacteriologist for Dr. Haire.  Saw the same show I saw yesterday but we rode around and had a good time until 11:30.  No word from Alyce Claire

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

The Wyatt Earp

Explorer Lincoln Ellsworth is rescued at the South Pole

Chicago Daily Tribune Jan 18,1936 pg 5
Chicago Daily Tribune Jan 18,1936 pg 5

Constantinople coat of arms.PNGThe Metropolitan Benjamin was elected Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople to succeed Photios II, who died December 29.


A new New Yorker and Saturday Evening Post

War continues in Ethiopia and Asia, and the Germans take a stand on it’s lost colonies.

Chicago Daily Tribune Jan 18,1936 pg 6
Chicago Daily Tribune Jan 18,1936 pg 6
Chicago Daily Tribune Jan 18, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune Jan 18, 1936