Thursday March 18, 1937

The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, diary 2by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

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Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

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New London School explosion: A natural gas explosion destroyed a school in New London, Texas and killed at least 295 people. It remains the worst school disaster in American history.

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Arabs in Tripoli presented Mussolini with the “Sword of Islam” to symbolize his leadership and present him as a protector of the Muslim faith. A famous propaganda photo depicts Mussolini on horseback raising this sword above his head.

Republicans took Brihuega

BYGONE - 031717Just 36 days after the Mississippi River stood at a record 48.7 feet in Memphis on Feb. 10, the Chisca sat on a sandbar near Tunica

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Inside the Hindenburg Airship. Interior corridor of the passenger cabin.






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Amelia Earhart wears a lei upon arrival at Wheeler Field, Oahu, from California

Chicago Daily Tribune March 18, 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune March 18, 1937

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