Tag Archives: Sino-Japanese War

Sunday March 28, 1937

The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, diary 2by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

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Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:


Easter is celebrated at St Patrick’s Cathedral

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Pope Pius XI published the encyclical Nos es muy conocida about the religious situation in Mexico



Image result for march 28, 1937Mothers who have given birth in a National Socialist maternity home in Fuerstenberg, Germany,  wait to have their babies examined by a doctor.

Image result for march 28, 1937
sino-japanese-war-Chinese troops marching on The Great Wall.











Image result for march 28, 1937 tribune
Chicago Sunday Tribune March 28, 1937

Saturday May 2, 1936

The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

April has gone!  Slept late today. Paid some bills and practiced for tomorrow.  Saw Margaret Douglas but I can’t remember her name now.  She has gained 20 pounds since I saw her last.  I guess that was in Tucumcari. Washed.

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

A new Saturday Evening Post and New Yorker

Parliamentary elections were held in Egypt, won by the Wafd Party.




Bold Venture won the Kentucky Derby.

The Sergei Prokofiev composition Peter and the Wolf premiered in Moscow




Temple prepare for the Second Sino-Japanese War as they wear gas masks during training against future aerial attacks in Tokyo, Japan


Chicago Daily Tribune May 2, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune May 2, 1936