Wednesday July 17, 1935

(This is an entry from the journal entitled “Mexico Summer” written by Elizabeth Whipple Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago)

Since the tragic unnecessary killing in Tabasco of some young men who went from here to vote, the prof of the Dip. Relations didn’t come.  This week each student has to show and identification card before entering school  so I haven’t seen Carsey at school for the last two days.  At noon Betty, James Cady and I went to Villa Obregon to see the ceremony of the tomb of A. Obregon built on the spot where he was killed.  The building itself is beautiful, modernistic with figures standing two on a side and a wide flight of steps leading up to the door.  Three hands were there and thousands of people gathered in the Plaza in front – While the bands played the National Anthem of Mexico salutes were fired and airplanes soared over the place. We didn’t stay longer though there was to be a It was hot!  We got there at 2. It was supposed to have started at 12:50!  After eating a taco and some chili covered peanuts we took a special to town. It was so “special” that it didn’t stop at Tocubaya but went an entirely different route!  Arriving at the Zocalo we discovered where to but tickets for Acapulco and found the round trip only 17 pesos! We got a Sidral at the Molins and came home.

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today


Nine miners died in an explosion in Van Lear Kentucky.

The Amarillo Globe-Times July 17, 1935
The Amarillo Globe-Times July 17, 1935

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