Day of Days! A letter from home and one from A. Carsey, too! Can hopes and dreams come true! If I go home Thanksgiving, he suggests that I go to El Paso with him for a day, maybe! Shall I try to go? Met Bernard this afternoon, he drove me home. He said that if I went home Thanksgiving that he’d take me to Carlsbad, or wherever the family could meet me! Sweet boy! At 12 o’clock (near midnight) a Mr. Brown (Bonnie) friend of Pennie’s and Alyce Claire’s, came up to tell me he was starting for Carlsbad then and for me to come along! But seriously, he does go about twice a month and if the time was convenient to me, he’d be glad of my company! Another way to get part way home! But he’d had a drink! What men
Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:
A propsed new tax on payroll will pay for unemployment benefits.

30 Oct 1934, Tue • Page 1