Daily Archives: October 26, 2014

Friday October 26, 1934

Tennis when she was a bit younger.
Tennis when she was a bit younger.

Played tennis after school until sundown. Borrowed Tom Fletcher’s racket – Went on a steak-fry with Mrs. Burdette and the girls’ chorus at 6 at the park on S. Missouri.  Had a date with Bernard to the Washington Ave School Carnival.  Mr. and Mrs. Walden Bassett and Alyce Claire went too – We three went to the show afterwards to see “Kansas City Princess”  -Rather good-

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:


Popeye was on fire:


Tuesday October 23, 1934

No post today.

October 23, 1934 : Piccard Balloon Launch from Dearborn Reaches Stratosphere

Abraham Lincoln impersonator climbs aboard Pacard balloon
On October 23, 1934, the husband-and-wife team of Jean and Jeannette Piccard navigated a balloon as high as 10.9 miles above the earth, starting from Dearborn, Michigan, and landing many hours later hundreds of miles away in Ohio. This flight reached the stratosphere, and set the women’s altitude record for Jeanette, which she held until the early 1960s. Read more here.