Daily Archives: October 8, 2014

Monday October 8, 1934

No Post  today:  She is anxiously awaiting for a letter from Carsey…the man she met this summer in Mexico.  I encourage you to go back to August an catch up on all their adventures while we wait for another entry.

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle Oct. 8, 1934
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle Oct. 8, 1934


The Cardinals take game 6 of the World Series at Tigers stadium.  Final score Cardinals 4 Tigers 3.  Tomorrow’s game will decide the winner!


Airmail begins in Hawaii.

Hawaii Dept. of Transportation
Hawaii Dept. of Transportation


Inter-Island Airways October 8, 1934. Commander John Baylor, U.S. Coast Guard, wishes well to Capt. Charles Elliott, pilot of the first air mail plane to be flown in the Territory of Hawaii.




A new stamp is issued:

Great Smoky Mountains National Park North Carolina & Tennessee — Created June 15, 1934. Scott #749, issued October 8, 1934
Great Smoky Mountains National Park North Carolina & Tennessee — Created June 15, 1934. Scott #749, issued October 8, 1934

The cover of Time Magazine  then and Now:

Time Oct. 10, 2014
Time Oct. 10, 2014
Time Magazine Oct. 8, 1934
Time Magazine Oct. 8, 1934