Tag Archives: Triborough bridge

Saturday July 11, 1936

diary 2The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more

Mary Jo went to town – Jaime, Harold, M.J. and I went swimming at Memorial Park

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

Jesse Owens of Ohio State (left), and Ralph Metcalfe of the Marquette Club

The 1936 United States Olympic Trials for track and field men’s events were held at Randall’s Island Stadium in New York City on July 11 and July 12.

Austria and Germany signed an agreement in which Germany pledged to respect Austrian sovereignty in exchange for Austria favouring Germany in its policies.

U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt formally opened the Triborough Bridge in New York City

A new New Yorker and Saturday Evening Post

It’s the hottest day in North Dakota History

Chicago Daily Tribune July 11, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune July 11, 1936
