Tag Archives: Nanking

Sunday December 5, 1937 (Her last post)

diary 2The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster

Shopped all day for Christmas – Charlotte K. came up for tuna-fish sandwiches and coffee.  Renewed loan at bank one month.


This is the last post in the journal – and I do not have another. As you can see she was writing more infrequently as the wedding date gets closer.  They were married January 22, 1938 in Van Horn, Texas.   I will continue to post his letters on the date they were written, obviously I am unable to guess when they were received. 

Here ‘s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

FlagThe puppet state of the Great Way Municipal Government of Shanghai was created.

HIH Prince Asaka Yasuhiko.jpg

Emperor Hirohito‘s uncle Prince Yasuhiko Asaka took over command of the Japanese Shanghai Expeditionary Army besieging Nanking.

Image result for Stojadinović mussolini

Yugoslavian Prime Minister Milan Stojadinović held talks with Benito Mussolini in Rome.

CImage result for december 5, 1937hinese women minister supplies to soldiers who held out for days against besieging Japanese

Image result for december 5, 1937The New York Giants take on the Oakland Raiders.

Photo by Alfred Haig

Pacific Electric Railway at Hygeia on Railroad Booster Mt Lowe Special

TImage result for december 5, 1937he Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky on December 5, 1937 Page 1