Tag Archives: grand prix

Sunday August 22, 1937

The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary,

by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

diary 2a
Got up late. Ate breakfast – went to the zoo – ate lunch at Mr & Mrs. Carsey’s – visited Emma Lou – drove to Jon’s new house, saw other houses and the airport and S.M.U.Image result for southern methodist university campus 1937The Rotunda S.M.U.






Came home to find George and his wife and daughter – Ate supper. Took cake to the train – Jon and Mary drove us to the train, It was crowded but we finally sat together – got pillows

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

Image result for Manfred Von Brauchitsch, Mercedes-Benz 1937
Manfred von Brauchitsch is airborne in his Mercedes Benz at Melbourne Rise



Manfred von Brauchitsch of Germany won the Monaco Grand Prix.

Image result for Rudolf Caracciola 1937
Rudolf Caracciola

Rudolf Caracciola of Germany won the Swiss Grand Prix.

Voters in Liechtenstein approved a referendum on banning department stores.



Japan sends reinforcements to  Shanghai

Chicago Sunday Tribune August 22, 1937
Chicago Sunday Tribune August 22, 1937

Sunday August 8, 1937

The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary,

diary 2by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

Anpit 10:30 or so I missed my middle-sized boy and we began t realize we’d been robbed. That had contained everything of importance I had – my ticket, my tourist card, my check book, 200 pesos in 20 peso bills, my new zarape and the gift I had bought for Marjorie D. Bagwell!  Everything gone!!  besides my blue suit coat with the gray fur! Jan lost a dress and her cloth purse but only a toston in money!  We went to the police office and they came to the house.  Then a man came to investigate who told us the “Levantar un acta” or file a complaint.  I guess. I don’t hope to see the money again but perhaps the tourist card and my ticket can be recovered!

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

Image result for second japanese sino war beiping

3,000 Japanese soldiers conspicuously entered Beiping without resistance. Japanese warplanes dropped propaganda leaflets on the populace proclaiming that the “Japanese army has driven out your wicked rulers and their wicked armies and will keep them out.

Image result for august 8, 1937Children play in a sprinkler from a water hydrant, South Harlem, New York






The 1937 Monaco Grand Prix was a Grand Prix motor race takes place. The first five places were won by the German entrees of Mercedes or Auto Union in the cars that came to be known as the Silver Arrows.

Chicago Daily Tribune August 8, 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune August 8, 1937

Sunday July 25, 1937

The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary

diary 2by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

No post today:

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

Battle of Brunete.png

The Battle of Brunete ended inconclusively.

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Final stage of the Tour de France
Roger Lapébie.jpg
Roger Lapébie

Roger Lapébie of France won the Tour de France.

Image result for Rudolf Caracciola
Rudolf Caracciola


Sunday September 9, 1934

Packed and moved – Went to church – Bernard took me home after church.

Here is what else was happening 80-years-ago-today.

And check out the Escape from Mexico page – the refugee train pulls out of San Pedro and  a wondrous miracle baby born in the midst of war.  Must read!

art sept 91
Albuquerque Journal Sept 9, 1934


7,000 police and guardsmen were dispatched to London’s Hyde Park, looking to head off any potential violence on the occasion of a rally by 1,200 members of Oswald Mosley‘s British Union of Fascists. About 8,000 to 9,000 anti-fascists and onlookers also turned out, but the police cordon was so thick that no one on the outside of it could hear the speeches. A total of eighteen arrests were made, mostly for disorderly conduct.

Rudolf Caracciola and Luigi Fagioli won the Italian Grand Prix.

The Little King, a comic strip by Otto Soglow that had appeared in The New Yorker for several years, made its debut in its new form of a newspaper comic strip