Tag Archives: Driver’s Education

Friday May 29, 1936

The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

diary 2No Post today

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

Chicago Daily Tribune May 29, 1936 pg 2
Chicago Daily Tribune May 29, 1936 pg 2


Driver’s Education may become a reality



In the Spanish town of Yeste, Albacete, a crowd of peasants followed the Civil Guard as they brought six prisoners to the town who had been arrested for illegally working some land that had previously been communal property. As the gathering of peasants grew larger, an agreement was reached to release the prisoners. When the crowd pushed forward a Civil Guard panicked and fired a shot, and a Guard was killed in the ensuing melee. The Civil Guard opened fire on the peasants and chased them into the surrounding hills, killing 17 in total including the deputy mayor of the town.

Chicago Daily Tribune May 29, 1936 pg 34
Chicago Daily Tribune May 29, 1936 pg 34

Flag of Turkey.svg








The Turkish Flag Law standardized the appearance of the flag of Turkey.


