Tag Archives: Battery Park Hotel

Friday July 17, 1936

diary 2The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more

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Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

The mercury hit triple digits for the 12th consecutive day at Chicago Midway Airport and Hartington, Nebraska set an all time record of 118 degrees.






Spanish coup of July 1936: Francisco Franco and other high-ranking officers in the Spanish Army launched a coup against the Second Spanish Republic. The conspirators in the Army of Africa moved to seize control of Spanish Morocco.

Military uprising in Melilla: the Spanish rebels seized the radio station in Melilla and proclaimed martial law. The Spanish Civil War had begun.

Helen Clevenger was discovered murdered in room 224 of the Battery Park Hotel . She had been savagely beaten her face slashed and she had been shot.  The New York City hotel is said to be haunted ever since. On stormy nights Helen is seen wandering the halls of the old hotel.


The French Chamber of Deputies voted 484-85 to nationalize the munitions industry


Chicago Daily Tribune July 17, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune July 17, 1936