Saturday March 30, 1935

(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago.  Click here to read more)

Letters from Carsey, Mary Jo, Jaime and Ty-Ty.  The letter insinuated some things that I thought quite unnecessary.  I shall probably tell her so!  A dust storm blew up about noon or rather 2:30 and stayed with us the rest of the afternoon.  Joyce Grady came up and visited with me.  Alyce Claire went to Tatum again, with Mr. Ukin.  Her father was to be there – Got my pink dress from Mrs. Parker and had it cleaned.  Am to go back on Monday Don’t know now whether I am going to Artsia tomorrow or not – Don’t much care.  Saw Lavora Arthur and actually getting a little flesh on her bones!  She told me lots of House gossip.

 Thursday  March 28, 1935

The YH&O’bS I put on the letter last fall was gotten from Anthony Adverse last fall and it means Your Humble and Obedient Servant.  Yes, I did have to put ‘sincerely’ down in order to write is backwards but I didn’t expect it to be so obvious.  Probably it would have not been to ordinary intelligence.

What luck! I have to go to Sierra Blanca tomorrow to make a speech to the Bi-County Council of PTA.  I wish you were here to make it in my place.  Mr. Oliver told me of the obligation 2 months ago and I forgot about it.  Today, Mrs. Toolen  informed me that I was to be ready at 9in the morning to go with her.  Mr. Oliver is gone. Some of his wife’s people are sick. It is a nuisance to have his classed in the study hall when he is gone. My speech is going to be mostly extemporaneous verbosity.

I have been invited to eat at Manuel Morales’ House one night soon. His father does not talk English and is a rather smart, loquacious Mexican.  I am rather looking forward to going down there.  You remember, I was invited once before when you were in town. They have myriads of kids and show them all off with great pride to me.

Sand! We have had sand all week.  Yesterday it could be seen for one hour before it got here. The school is so sandy that you can smell it in the air.   Every morning the desks have collected enough to write your name on them. Right now, it looks foggy out side because of the sand.

I am making none-too enthusiastic plans to go the University of Texas this summer and register for their summer course in Geology  Almost any inducement could change my mind. I rather like geological work (for I have done a little) but I don’t relish summer school in Texas. It seems to me that I should be a rich man’s son or  professional leisure-time-user rather than a school teacher or geologist.  Humble has a fellow that I have a slight acquaintance with in Roswell named Miller and another that I don’t know at all. It might be either of them.  Brother Ben knows both of them.

Why spend 3 cents on this letter you ask?  Well, mostly I would like to get another from you.  Really nothing has happened — or ever does, and this week or more has been particularly eventless.


Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

The U.S. and Russia become allies.

Hope Star  Hope. Ar  March 30, 1935
Hope Star Hope. Ar March 30, 1935

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