Daily Archives: November 21, 2017

Saturday November 20, 1937

diary 2The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster


Arnold called about 10 a.m. Had a chance to come to Carlsbad with fellows going to the Caverns. He came on up here – My premonitions about him surely come true. Been feeling that he’d come or call for “two days!” Saw “Live Begins at College” with Ritz Brothers! Silly! Saw our bookcase. Saw Velma and Pete, Evelyn was married today! Was to have been our wedding day if our first plans had carried!!! Visited with Hazel Hansen, Mrs. Martens, Mr and Jack called to Neb by illness of Mr,Mrs father – he is better. Rode around in the moonlight. Had Mexican supper. To bed about 2 a.m. Arnold hopes the fellows stay until afternoon but it is doubtful.!

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:


The Chinese government moved the capital from Nanking to Chonqing.

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The Japanese captured Suzhou

Primo Carnera, former world champion, attempted to come-back in a fight with the Marseilles champion, De Meglio, at the Salle de Wagram, Paris, on Nov. 19, 1937. He was beaten on points. Carnera registers pain when De Meglio scores with a right to the chin. (AP Photo)

Primo Carnera, former world champion, attempted to come-back in a fight with the Marseilles champion, De Meglio, at the Salle de Wagram, Paris,

A new New Yorker and Saturday Evening Post magazine

Image result for november 20, 1937Image result for november 20, 1937 saturday evening post

Betty Grable & Jackie Coogan married.

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Image result for november 20, 1937