Daily Archives: August 10, 2017

Tuesday August 10, 1937

The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary,

diary 2by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

Image result for el periodico excelsior 10 de augusto 1937

Instead of going to my 10 o’clock I went to the Immigration office and was back for my 11 o’clock with a new tourist card.  Copied music – Saw about the robbery in the newspaper “Excelsior” Aside from misspelling our names, getting the wrong address and quoting the wrong things stolen (for Jean) the article was Interesting!’

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

Image result for Campeador ship

The Republican tanker Campeador was sunk off Tunis by Italian destroyers. 28 members of the crew were saved but 12 were lost.

FlagThe Regional Defence Council of Aragon was dissolved.


DC-2 Crash 10 Aug 1937
photo courtesy:Richard Kebabjian

An Eastern Air Lines Douglas DC-2 struck a power pole while taking off from Daytona Beach Airport. Both crew members and 2 of the 7 passengers aboard were killed.

Image result for august 10, 1937Ground improvement underway in St. Lucia, Brisbane Australia

Chicago Daily Tribune Aug 10, 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune Aug 10, 1937


Monday August 9, 1937

The story continues with the second journal. This is an entry from her personal diary,

diary 2by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

Went to school but was excused from 12 o’clock to go to town to see about my ticket. Nat’l RR would do nothing about it.  Went in the afternoon to see Ms. Pacifia and they are to write San Antonio about it.  Went to school and Miss Stephensen wrote a letter for me to the Dept of immigration for another tourist card.  Was raining so hard that I didn’t stop at the Immigration office. Doped up for a cold! Copied music.

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

Image result for Norman Ebbutt
Norman Ebbutt

It was announced in Berlin that The Times correspondent Norman Ebbutt had been ordered out of Germany. The move was made in retaliation for Britain expelling three German journalists on suspicion of espionage.


His Majesty King Farouk I of Egyptis  on the cover of this week’s Time Magazine

Image result for august 9, 1937







Penguin Publisher,  Allen Lane,  shows us the Penquincubator a vending machine for books. Image result for penguincubator

Chicago Daily Tribune August 9, 1937
Chicago Daily Tribune August 9, 1937