Monthly Archives: March 2015

Monday March 11, 1935

(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago.  Click here to read more)

Mr. Little had wanted me to translate some legal material into Spanish. I found several expressions that I didn’t know, so he said he’d get David Calderon to do it.  Went to the band room and school orchestra concert with Joyce Grady. Alyce Claire had a date with Mr. Akin.  The concert was very good.  Excellent! Should have gone to see Mrs. Tom Parker about making my dresses – Mailed a letter to Carsey.

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

A new Time Magazine with Frank Hogan on the cover.

On March 11, 1935 Hitler introduced military conscription in Germany. Serial killer Albert Fish enters and insanity plea, claiming voices from god told him to kill children.   It’s snowing in the plain’s and Havana is deserted after a weekend of fighting.

Clovis Evening News Journal Clovis, NM March 11, 1935
Clovis Evening News Journal Clovis, NM March 11, 1935


Sunday March 10, 1935

(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago.  Click here to read more)

The Anthem was good. “Hark, Hark, My Soul.”  However the preliminaries were so long that there was only 10 minutes left for the sermon.  “Young people have charge of the evening service-  Dinner at Gladys Palmer’s again.  They surely have been lovely to us.  At four, we went to Harriet Poorbaugh’s recital. She sang so well! Quite a few people there.  Letter from Ty-Ty.  Her coming unsettled yet.

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

California is freezing today.

Nevada State Journal Reno, NV March 10, 1935
Nevada State Journal Reno, NV March 10, 1935

Boxing. Max Schmeling vs Steve Hamas (2nd meeting). Mar. 10, 1935. Hanseatenhalle, Hamburg, Germany.

Saturday March 9, 1935

(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago.  Click here to read more)

Spoke at the meeting of Cruz Azul Mexicana at the Catholic School Building (Mexican) Goodly crowd, too.  Told them little, but played for Ms. Martens to sing – nine or ten other speakers, songs, and orchestra numbers. We were there from 8 to eleven! Lionel Melendez (in fact all the Melendez seem to take part) played in the orchestra, also Moses Melendez. Daniel Franco was there too.  Mr and Mrs. Warren Cabean were there, he spoke, too – extemporaneously! I like the way the Mexicans have of elaborating grandly, using grand surrounding words and gestures.

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

Adolph Hitler announces the creation of a new air force and a military draft. Both are violations of the Treaty of Versailles.  


Friday March 8, 1935

(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago.  Click here to read more)

Klyng still out – Velma ate lunch with us – I was invited to a weinier roast with about 40 of those 9th graders but I had to refuse.  I don’t like to leave Alyce Claire much nowadays – And besides I feel that I have to do something with the talk of the Cruz Azul ( Mexican Red Cross) Mrs. Martens asked me to tell them something of my trip last summer.  I don’t know what to say. There is so much of that summer that is not easily expressed. Can take the pictures that I have. That will help. Nellie Monroe came over for the first time this year though she has tried to make a date – Betty came to while her folk went to “When a Man’s a Man”  Hardly any work done on the “speech”

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:


Sadly, Hachiko the dog dies.  He is the Akita that faithfully waited for his master every day in Japan for 10 years after his death.  A film was made about the story and a statue stands in his tribute.

Malcolm Campbell drives a car over 300 mph for the first time in Daytona Beach, Florida.

malcolm campbell

Thursday March 7, 1935

(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago.  Click here to read more)

Glorious Day!  The rest of Ty-Ty’s letter came with another shirt from her and a letter from dad, and one from Carsey!  The nicest, newsiest one from him at all. Surely made my day a good one!

 Saw “One Night of Love” last night and thought it beautiful – Grace Moore’s voice is supreme.  Alyce Claire’s grief is terrible.  I wish I knew what to do for her or to say to her.  I feel quite inadequate! United with Velma today – She substituted for Charlotte Klyng who has tonsillitis.


carsey letter 2

March 3, 1935

Dear Elizabeth,

I read with considerable interest you plans for the summer.  I am also wondering what I am to do with myself.  Do you still entertain any idea of going to Mexico City?  The nearer summer comes the more alluring the thought becomes — a cool shower in the early afternoon, complete absence of any sweltering weather, all those sights I failed to see last summer, an all-night dance at the Regis, or a long bull session at unconventional hours with some exotic personality like Dignotty or Pizarello Von Helmsburg.   I have too many conflicting desires, ambitions and all of them cannot be satisfied.  I have probably expatiated to you before my outlook with Humble.  Brother Ben suggests that I take the University of Texas course in field geology this summer and he will see that I get a job as a junior geologist in the fall. What would you do if you were in my place?

No I can’t say that I have wanted either La Mendicidad or the songs.  Singing Spanish songs in class more or less died when Manuel Morales quit school.  Durham didn’t treat him too well because he was a Mexican, and of course, they are naturally indolent as a race.  But I surely do miss him in class. 

The excitement of the week has been debate.  I am the high school coach.  The subject is resolved: That the Electric light utilities should be owned and operated by the government.  For a girls team I selected Mary Jo and Minna Boyd; for boys I have Bill McVay & D.C. Moore.  We debated Sierra Blanca Friday night at Sierra Blanca and had the return debate with them last night.  They (Sierra Blanca) have a huge girl with a ghostly appearance because of excess powder that comes just before Mary Jo.  It certainly is a contrast (and a relief) to hear Mary Jo’s voice after listening to the high squeaky voice especially since Sierra Blanca’s coach has allowed them to memorize their speeches.  I am to take all four of them to Ft. Hancock to judge a debate there tomorrow. 

Speaking of shows I missed a good show last week.  The Plaza in El Paso had on Tolstoy’s We Live Again or was original Resurrection?  I would very much liked to have seen it. 

On the way to the school this afternoon I saw Jaime at Mr. Espie’s house changing some sort of wiring.  I stopped long enough to find that he has to go to some sort of propaganda meeting of the light company tonight.   It would not be advisable to quote him verbatim in this letter on the subject.   Jaime and I are planning another jaunt to El Paso when you come back — possibly on the date that Diantha (?) and Harold leave for California.  When do you get out of school? It is almost incredible that I have nothing saved for the summer as yet!

Do you still study Spanish?  I notice that the Spanish you included at the end of the letter was grammatically without flaw. And, or course,  you still play the pipe organ and piano.  Could you believe it?  Jaime and I have aroused new (or latent) interest in playing the piano.  I have been struggling religiously with a few easy and worn-out classial pieces as the Minuet by Paderewski and Anitras Dance while Jaime  plays the doleful strains of Handel’s ‘Largo’ from Xerxes .  What are you reading?  I have been absorbed in poetry and have discovered some rich poetry and new poets.  Are you familiar with Ogden Nash’s Poetry (?)? Let me quote:

       Here I sit in my office at 244 Madison Avenue

       And I say to myself You’v got a responsible job havenue?

But you ought to read his poem on Columbus called O Christopher look what you’v done.  For more elevating poetry I like the Jewess Nathalia Crane. 

I must close this interminable line sometime,   Dont think this thin sheet an economy measure.  Mr. Oliver came in the office and locked up the bookcase holding the other stationary. — I found a new (to me) song Spanish I liked called Farolito are you familiar with it?

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Wednesday March 6, 1935

(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago.  Click here to read more)

Had an assembly today at 1:00. The Portales Junior College Glee Clubs gave us a good program – particularly the male quartet. I found out that a girl who talked to me before the program, and whom I couldn’t place, was the Miss Hodge who tutored the Marshall Children (Alyce Claire’s friends).  She knew Diantha at Cruces – Mrs. Wilmot called.

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr circa 1930-edit.jpgSupreme court justice Oliver Wendell Homes Jr. dies.

President Roosevelt leads the nation in prayer.

The Gallup Independent Gallup, NM March 6, 1935
The Gallup Independent Gallup, NM March 6, 1935


Tuesday March 5, 1935

(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago.  Click here to read more)

Letter from Ty-Ty contains only the last third of the letter after I opened!

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

A tornado claims two young lives in Texas and a miracle surgery is performed.

The Brownsville Herald Brownsville, TX March 5, 1935
The Brownsville Herald Brownsville, TX March 5, 1935

Monday March 4, 1935

(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago.  Click here to read more)

NO Post

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

A new Time magazine with Richard B Harrison an actor who passed away 10 days later.

The New Deal is 2-years-old today and the White House is working to set a federal minimum wage.

The  Evening Gazette Xenia, OH March 4, 1935
The Evening Gazette Xenia, OH March 4, 1935

Sunday March 3, 1935

(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago.  Click here to read more)

Dreadful sandstorm all during church.  I stayed inside all day. Discovered I had left all my school work at school!  Called Bernard and he and I met Alyce Claire about 9 – We two ate supper at the Busy Bee and she told me all about her mothers death and funeral.  Perhaps it is best for her.   I hardly know what to do or how best to comfort her.

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

Congress is having a hard time getting things done!

The Paris News Paris, TX March 3, 1935
The Paris News Paris, TX March 3, 1935

Saturday March 2, 1935

(This is an entry from the journal entitled Mexico Summer written by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago.  Click here to read more)


Bought 3 pieces of materials for dresses and organdie for the top of my pink – Hope to get Mrs. Parker, whom Mrs. Martens knows to make them for me. A Mrs. Parker sewed for me last year in Gallup too. Saw “Gilded Lily” – Good too.  Wrote to Carsey – Pauline called but couldn’t stay long – even to come up to see me!




Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

News of a Christmas day slaying in China just now reaches the U.S.  Witnesses report that  the hacked bodies of a Brittish and a Swiss Missionary were seen lying in the streets of  Changteh, Hunan Province.

The Waco News-Tribune Waco, TX March 2, 1935
The Waco News-Tribune Waco, TX March 2, 1935


A new Saturday Evening Post.