Tag Archives: Popeye

Friday October 23, 1936

The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.diary 2

Had one number at Assembly “The Weatherby’s Go to the Circus”  Dr. Image result for level crossing phyllis BottomeMacPherson(?) talked. Carlos Villescas  said I had the best assemblies. he is a nice Mexican boy. Sent review of Level Crossing by Phyllis Bottome (Private Worlds) Good story of kidnapping

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

The Soviet Union informed the European committee of non-intervention in Spain that Russia would no longer be bound by the neutrality agreement. The note repeated the previous charge that Germany, Italy and Portugal had already violated the pact.

ES Legion Condor.jpgHitler ordered the Condor Legion to Spain to fight for the Nationalists




Popeye holds the wire.

Chicago Daily Tribune October 23, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune October 23, 1936

Friday September 25, 1936

diary 2The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

Mailed letter to Mary Jo – Bought a rust dress at Everybody’s – Image result for mary of scotland 1936get it Monday.  Saw “Mary of Scottland ”  thought Mary’s (Katherine Hepburn) voice too monotonous but Elizabeth and the rest were excellent.  Rained all morning!  We have had more at one stretch than in ages!

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

Popeye meets Littl Swee’pea

The French government decided to devalue the franc by one-quarter to one-third in order to stabilize the currency.

Julio Álvarez del Vayo

At the League of Nations, Spanish delegate Julio Álvarez del Vayo said the European non-intervention agreement amounted to “a blockade of the lawful Spanish government” and said the war would have virtually been won already if the rebels had not received foreign aid. Álvarez del Vayo said “the bloodstained soil of Spain already is the battlefield of world war”, and warned that future wars would not be fought between states but between two groups of ideas, those of “democracy and oppression

Navy beat William and Mary in the first game of the season

Image result for september 25, 1936

Image result for september 25, 1936


Sgt Joe Lane in a Hawker Nimrod missed the arrestor wire and hit the island of HMS Courageous.





Chicago Daily Tribune September 25, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune September 25, 1936


Sunday August 30, 1936

diary 2The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

Went to a tea at Wanda Howard’s for Ethelyn. Saw Mickey B. and Image result for one rainy afternoonJosephine Albow.  Mickey bought me home.  Went to see “One Rainy Afternoon” with Frances Lederer – absurd but cute.  Yesterday we walked to 5 points and several blocks on the way back.  Visited maternity ward of Masonic while in Five Points.  Not such a long walk!

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

Image result for august 30 , 1936 thomas jefferson mt rushmore

The head of Thomas Jefferson on the Mount Rushmore sculpture was dedicated in a ceremony attended by President Roosevelt

Sunday August 30,1936
Sunday August 30,1936







The Chicago Tribune published Jay Allen‘s famous account of the Massacre of Badajoz. “Eighteen hundred men – there were women too – were mowed down there in some twelve hours”, Allen reported. “There is more blood than you would think in 1,800 bodies.”

USS Kane (DD-235)

The destroyer USS Kane which was in Spanish waters assisting in the evacuation of American nationals, was attacked by an unidentified aircraft. A total of six bombs were dropped which landed near the ship but did no damage, and the Kanereplied with anti-aircraft fire in the direction of the plane. The United States sent protests to both sides in the civil war. The U.S. State Department said the altercation was probably a case of mistaken identity, even though the Kane was clearly flying the American flag.

Image result for august 30 , 1936 queen mary

The Blue Riband

The Queen Mary crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a record time of 3 days, 23 hours and 57 minutes to claim the Blue Riband.



A new Popeye – Never Kick a Woman

Friday August 28, 1936

diary 2The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more


Has rained for two hours solidly with much thunder and lightning.   Had planned to take Jean and Ethelyn  to “Anthony Adverse”  but if this continues we may have to wait until Tomorrow! Repacked my bags into Dit’s steamer trunk.  Had to go to town on Image result for anthony adversea sightseeing bus because the streetcars couldn’t run – the tracks were completely covered with mud, rocks, etc.  Met Jean and Ethelyn at the Park.   The show was grand!  Claude Rains as Don Louis, Fredric March as Anthony and Olivia de Havilland as Angela were outstanding.  I think I never saw a more hateful character than Faith. Got home about 7 and the rest of the family was just getting ready to see it so I went down (rather than stay alone) and saw it again!  Twice in one day is enough for that.  Got home at eleven – Paper says it rained 1.99 inches at Ft. Bliss. About that in Fort Hill I imagine.

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today:

Image result for Battle of Monte Pelado

The Battle of Monte Pelado was fought, resulting in Republican victory.

Nationalist forces bombed Madrid for the first time.

A new Popeye. Never kick a woman



German War Minister Werner von Blomberg approved the deployment of combat aircraft in Spain.

Italy prohibited the export of munitions to Spain



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BG-1 and BFC-2 Goshawk pictured in formation above San Diego Bay




Chicago Daily Tribune August 28, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune August 28, 1936

Friday July 24,1936

diary 2The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more

No post today

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today


Eleanor Holm’s teammates arranged a petition asking American Olympic Committee Chairman Avery Brundage to reinstate her. German officials told Brundage, “she has been punished enough and discipline is bound to prevail after this public warning.”

The heat returns in the Midwest. It is the hottest day in Nebraska history with 42 cities hitting all-time record highs.  The hottest temperature recorded in Minden, Ne at 118 degrees.

Surrender of Red Soldiers, Somosierra, Madrid - Google Art Project.jpg

The Battle of Guadarrama was fought, resulting in Republican victory.

A human speaking clock prior to the invention of automated equipment

Customer information on the Speaking ClockA speaking clock service was introduced in the United Kingdom.





The French right-wing press led by L’Écho de Paris attacked France’s policy of support for the Spanish Republic, arguing it would could lead France into open conflict with Germany and Italy.


Popeye gets movin’

Amelia took delivery of the Electra on July 24, 1936, her 39th birthday
Chicago Daily Tribune July 24, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune July 24, 1936

Friday June 26, 1936

The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more

No Post today

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

Haile Selassie arrived in Geneva to make a speech before the League of Nations. During a press conference with journalists, Selassie maintained that his government remained the only legitimate authority of Ethiopia

Popeye wants to be a lifeguard

Democrats find their convention dull

Chicago Daily Tribune June 26, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune June 26, 1936

Sunday June 7, 1936

diary 2The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

No Post today

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

The US Navy Destroyer 20 squadron sails off the coast of San Diego

File:US Navy Destroyer Squadron 20 off San Diego in 1936.jpg

June 7, 1936: Following a series of strikes and sit-ins that saw nearly 1.8 million French workers down their tools and occupy 8,441 factories, the government convened a meeting between labor and corporate representatives. The result was the Matignon Agreements, which included a 40-hour work week, increased union rights, collective bargaining rights, wage increases, and paid leave.:



The Matignon Agreements were signed to end the French general strike.

Juan Demóstenes Arosemena

A general election was held in Panama. Juan Demóstenes Arosemena was elected president.

A victory parade was staged in Rome for thousands of troops returning from the Second Italo-Ethiopian War.

Lucky Luciano being escorted into court by two detectives

Lucky Luciano was convicted on 62 counts of participating in a prostitution ring.






Popeye is upset there is no spinach

The G.O.P is ready to convene in Cleveland tomorrow – but they are still undecided on who the presidential nominee will be.

Chicago Daily Tribune June 7, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune June 7, 1936

Thursday May 7, 1936

The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

diary 2No post today

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

Amy Johnson reclaimed her England-to-South Africa flight record when she landed her Percival Gull Six at Cape Town 3 days, 6 hours and 29 minutes after leaving Kent.

At dawn in Washington, D.C. it was discovered that someone had hoisted the flag of the Soviet Union on the flagpole of the United States Supreme Court Building overnight, and had knotted the halyard so well that it could not be hauled down. At the base of the flagpole a copy of The Harvard Lampoon was found, indicating the work of a prankster. Police called in the fire department, who extended a ladder up to the flag and burned it.

Irene Dunne photographed May 7, 1936 for the Lux Radio Theater production of Noel Coward’s Bittersweet





Popeye is looking for spinach

Chicago Daily Tribune May  7, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune May 7, 1936

Friday May 1, 1936

diary 2

The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago. Click here to read more.

“Saw “Life of Pasteus” last night and it was great!  Today at the Cafeteria I saw Peggy Sands from Albuquerque – we knew her whole family in Vegas.  Saw “The Moon’s Our  Home” with Lenore tonight.   Found Lanora here when I return.  Talked late,

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

Salem College celebrates May Day

Emperor Haile Selassie, his wife Menen Asfaw and key members of the Ethiopian government decided to depart Addis Ababa by train and flee to Djibouti in French Somaliland.

RAFTrainingcommand.pngRAF Training Command was formed.

Starting on this day, every newlywed couple in Nazi Germany was to receive a copy of Mein Mein Kampf dust jacket.jpegKampf from the registrar.

The Brazilian football club Associação Desportiva Confiança was founded


Rally of the Hitler Youth in Berlin





Popeye builds a bridge

Ukranian delegation march through Red Square





Friday April 3, 1936

diary 2The story continues with the second journal.  This is an entry from her personal diary, by Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey 80-years-ago.  Click here to read more.


Roswell Junior High School
Roswell Junior High School

Junior Play matinee and night – We dismissed at 2:30 for it.  Went to town and then played some tennis though the wind was blowing. A Mr. Larcum strolled over and refereed for us.  It turns out that he lives next door to Mrs. Martens.  The play was “Seventeen”  I know the story and there were 4 acts as it dragged a little before it was over!  We (Alyce Claire) took Mrs. Markham.  Later AC and I went to the Busy Bee for soup.  Harriet has put an idea for roller skates in my head!  Should like to brush up on my French, too!  Heard some Institute Officers making fair stabs at it last night at Grady’s – Reminded me of Jaime!

Here’s what else was happening 80-years-ago today

Richard Hauptmann

Convicted for the “Crime of the Century.   Richard Bruno Hauptmann is executed by electrocution for the 1932 kidnapping and murder of the 20-month-old son of Charles A. Lindbergh.



Germany sent Britain a point-blank refusal to promise not to fortify the Rhineland.

David Low Evening Standard,

The British government indicated that it would again apply pressure to impose an oil embargo against Italy unless it ceased its hostilities in Ethiopia, due to the strength of the evidence Britain now had that the Italians were using poison gas.

Nazi Germany banned Jews from working as veterinarians.

The shortest pro boxing match in history took place in New Haven, Connecticut when Al Carr knocked out Lew Massey in 10 seconds. This record was equalled in 1946 but not broken until 1984


Popeye goes skiing.

Chicago Daily Tribune April 3, 1936
Chicago Daily Tribune April 3, 1936